The H2 Exam Pack

Experience a 5-grade jump in a short period of time like our students did.

Click here for the H1 Exam Pack


Looking for effective crashcourses covering
in a short period of time?

A Levels are just months away now

✘ Haven’t done sufficient essay or case study practices in the last 1.5 years of JC life?

✘  Always struggling to understand specific Economics concepts

✘ Don’t know how to write quality, high scoring evaluations to pull up your marks?

✘ Don’t know how to properly dissect question requirements & structure your answers? And your exam scripts always come back with the remarks “lacks Economic rigour”?

What if we had a bundle of crashcourses that covers everything?

 Our Fan-Favourites Content Crashcourses

The above are hard-copy materials included for the Content Crashcourses
(issued to students within 7 days of registration)

Our content crashcourses were always fully sold-out during pre-pandemic days (when we didn’t offer a zoom option)

Micro + Macro Content Crashcourse

(U/P: $880)

Watch recorded video lessons at your own time & convenience

Cover 8 Key Topics in 8 x 1.5 hour sessions (CONTENT ONLY)

  1. DDSS / Elasticities / Deadweight Loss

  2. Firms & Decisions

  3. Market Failure

  4. Government Intervention & Government Failure

  5. National Income Statistics / Standard of Living

  6. AD-AS / Macroeconomic Aims'

  7. Macroeconomic Policies

  8. Trade & Globalisation (Will be replaced by Singapore Economy in event of Common Last Topic due to COVID)

Topical Consolidation Crashcourse

(U/P: $880)

Watch recorded video lessons at your own time & convenience

Cover 3-5 Key Concepts + 3 Essays for 8 Topics in 8 Recorded Video Lessons

  1. Market Failure

  2. ADAS / Macro Issues

  3. Macroeconomic Policies

  4. Firms & Decisions

  5. DDSS / Elasticities

  6. Rational Decision Making

  7. SG Macroeconomic Policies

  8. Trade & Globalisation


 Essay & CSQ Skills Boosters

(U/P: $800)

pick up essential essay writing & case study application skills in eight lessons. at your own time & pace.

The Booster programmes are FULLY Online. You will retain access to the Boosters all the way till the conclusion of the A Levels. Start, stop, pause, repeat. Your call.

Essay Skills Booster

Hard copy booklet will be issued for the Essay Booster

4 modular lessons covering the following

  1. Dissecting & breaking down question requirements

  2. Writing introductions

  3. Frameworks for writing essays

  4. Effective paragraphing and topic sentences

  5. Writing conclusions with evaluative comments

  6. Effective evaluations, comments in body paragraphs vs conclusive evaluation

  7. Challenging curveball questions

  8. Selection of Essay questions

  9. Common mistakes

There will also be one FULL Essay Practice students will submit for grading by our team which will be returned with feedback.

CSQ Skills Booster

Hard copy booklet will be issued for the CSQ Booster

4 modular lessons covering the following

  1. Basic exam techniques

  2. Time management

  3. Trends

  4. Frameworks for lower order questions

  5. Frameworks for higher order questions

  6. How to use data

  7. Mini-essays in case studies

  8. Challenging data inadequacy

  9. Analysis of 4 x actual A level CSQs

  10. Evaluative comments for CSQs

  11. Using contextual knowledge, theory & data in higher order questions

  12. Common Mistakes

There will also be one FULL CSQ Practice students will submit for grading by our team which will be returned with feedback.


The benchmark for sufficient practice during your JC life is whether you have been consistently doing 1 essay & 1 case study weekly. By the time you sit for your A Levels you should have a repertoire of 100 Essays & 100 Case Studies attempted. That is - if you want to score and excel at the A Levels. How many essays and case studies have you done this year?
— shared in a conversation with a student during a consult session


(U/P: $2000)

do more essays/csqs in 4 days than you have done in this entire year

These are hard copy materials that are issued to Bootcamp participants

Level 1 Bootcamps (Essay L1 / CSQ L1)

Cover 10 Essays & 8 Case Studies in TWO days

AVAILABLE FULLY ONLINE (Pre-recorded video lessons)

Level 2 Bootcamps (Essay L2 / CSQ L2)

Cover 24 Essays & 16 Case Studies in TWO days

  1. “Live” run will be held on 4 Sept & 5 Sept (during the Sept school holidays), attend at Coronation Plaza OR Zoom

  2. You will also have the option to access this via Recorded Lessons.

The Process


Upon registration, materials will be sent out. Students are to attempt the questions as homework.

This will allow students to raise questions & clear their doubts during the bootcamps (only applicable to FULL ACCESS PASS).

*Students who are opting for the ONLINE Access Pass can simply just do all the questions in advance before starting on the videos

Answer Dissection

On the days of the Bootcamps - Mr Toh will be covering each question in an in-depth manner.

Specifically - he will explain how to dissect each question, understand question requirements.

Time will also be spent to help students understand how to structure their answers, identify trends as well as to write good evaluations.

 Economics Essence Workshop


The one workshop you must attend - 22 october 2024 (10am - 5pm)

Cover 20 Essay Questions - most of them will be from THIS YEAR’s PRELIMS.
Mr Toh will select a range of questions that he thinks stands a good chance of coming out for the A Levels and go through an analysis of these questions and cover the necessary skills to address these questions. The workshop is usually scheduled to take place during the last 2 weeks of October.


Covering 20 Questions in 1 day may be more Essays than you’ve completed on you own in 1 year. With chosen Essays diversified to cover content from ALL major Macro + Micro topics, the workshop is guaranteed to give you extensive exposure and coverage.


We will cover every key aspect to Essay writing including: Key content, how to dissect and identify question requirements, how to think critically and provide sound analysis, how to write good evaluations and how to deal with 'unconventional questions'

Watch the video above to see how we teach critical analysis and evaluative skills through different Essay questions.


Questions covered in the workshop are strategically chosen to prepare students for the A levels. Some questions from last year's workshop came out for the A Levels. Watch the video above to hear what ex-students have to say about our A Levels Prediction Accuracy.


 Pricing & Registration

ENJOY A bundle DISCOUNT OF $3680 when you register for the h2 exam pack

The H2 Exam Pack includes

  1. Microeconomics Crashcourse (4 lessons) worth $440 | 4 x Pre-recorded video lessons

  2. Macroeconomics Crashcourse (4 lessons) worth $440 | 4 x Pre-recorded video lessons

  3. Level 1 Essay Bootcamp (10 Essays) worth $400 | Pre-recorded video lessons covering 10 Essays

  4. Level 1 CSQ Bootcamp (8 CSQs) worth $400 | Pre-recorded video lessons covering 8 Case Studies

  5. Essay Booster Programme worth $800 | Pre-recorded video lessons (can complete within 1 day)

  6. CSQ Booster Programme worth $800 | Pre-recorded video lessons (can complete within 1 day)

  7. Level 2 Essay Bootcamp (24 Essays) worth $600 | 5 Sept 2024

  8. Level 2 CSQs Bootcamp (16 CSQs) worth $600 | 4 Sept 2024

  9. Topical Consolidation Crashcourse Part 1 (4 Topics) worth $440 | 4 x Pre-recorded video lessons

  10. Topical Consolidation Crashcourse Part 2 (4 Topics) worth $440 | 4 x Pre-recorded video lessons

  11. Economics Essence Workshop worth $320 | 22 October 2024

The total price for all the crash courses is $5680.

Note: The H2 Exam Pack excludes the 3 Day TYS Programme scheduled for 25/28/29 October 2024.

The H2 Exam Pack is available as a bundle for only $1600. (discount of $4080)

All materials will be sent to the student via postal mail.


  1. Simply make payment via Credit Card by checking out below, OR PayNOW $1600 to UEN 201412435Z and then WhatsApp Jieshi at 8168-3986 with payment details after doing so

  2. After receipt of payment, our Admin Team will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your registration and activate your LMS account so that you can start accessing the crash courses which are available online.

  3. Your materials (those that we have in stock at the moment) will be sent to you via courier within 7 days of payment made. For materials that are only available nearing to the crash courses, we will mail them out separately to you once they become available.

The H2 Exam Pack (includes ALL Crashcourses)
Sale Price: SGD 1,600.00 Original Price: SGD 5,680.00