Essay and CSQ Skills Booster Programme

Essay and CSQ Skills Booster Programme

from SGD 180.00

The Booster Programmes comprise of both Essay-Writing & CSQ Booster lessons. There will be a total of 8 modules (4 covering CSQ Application & 4 covering Essay Writing). This is a FULLY Online Programme with digital access made available within 3 days on receipt of payment & materials will be sent out within 7 days of payment..

Your access to the Boosters programme on the LMS will be valid till the conclusion of the 2023 A Level Economics examinations

The Essay-Writing programme focuses on the specific skills of incubating a good essay, and students are expected to have fluency in essay-writing and time management by the end of the programme and will specifically cover exam techniques, frameworks, how to write introductions & conclusions, effective paragraphing, effective evaluations , how to select essay questions, handling curveball questions & common mistakes

The Case Study Question application programme focuses on helping students understand the different types of questions that can be tested in a case study question, develop a framework for dealing with different types of questions, analysis of actual A Level questions, handling trends, frameworks to address both lower order & higher order questions and help students develop competencies in addressing all case study questions by the end of the programme.

The Genius Booster programme will focus on skills rather than content. Students who border-line passed their JC1 promotional examinations or feel that they haven’t acquired the necessary skills required should opt to attend this additional programme.

Students have an option to add-on a 1-hour consult session with one of our Teaching Assistants at a discounted rate of $100 (usual rate for a 1h consult is $150)

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